How to quote code in the SoundFlow forum.
See here:
Please watch this video to learn how to quote code in the SoundFlow forum.
How to format code or a script inside a code block
The recomended way to paste code or a script into the forum is this;
1. Put a line of three back ticks ```.
2. On the next line, add the code / script.
3. On the next line after the script add an another 3 back ticks.
The back tick key is located under the escape key on a standard Mac keyboard.

Here is an example

The code / script will then be formatted inside a code block like this;
processingInputMode: "ClipByClip",
processingOutputMode: "CreateIndividualFiles",
How to format a single line of code
To format a single line of code just use one back tick before and after what you want to quote.
