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How to automate importing session data

By Halmix @Halmix
    2021-01-24 11:41:38.960Z

    Hi, I want to know if I can Import a Protools session data with Soundflow? can you give some instructions, thanks.

    • 3 replies
    1. Hi Halmix,

      Thanks for taking your question here.

      You can do this by using UI automation. Learn how to do this in these 2 videos:

      1. Christian Scheuer @chrscheuer2021-01-24 13:33:00.040Z2021-01-25 12:17:38.833Z

        You can also find inspiration in any of the existing threads on this:

        1. HHalmix @Halmix
            2021-01-24 17:13:53.474Z

            Thanks for your answer.