Move track to routing folder
I'm new to SoundFlow and didn't find topic to this question:
is there way to move selected track/s to Routing folder?
In my work flow I color my tracks and move them inside folders. I use Scheps Color Deck to do coloring and selecting part, but would like to automate also foldering part.
Linked from:
- samuel henriques @samuel_henriques
Hello Markku Heikkilä,
This should work, as is it will keep the new folder name as the pro tools default but if you include the name there
like sonewRoutingFolder("Folder name here")
thats what you'll get as folder name.
If instead you prefer the script to wait, so you can name the folder, you can delete these lines:// Track Name if (name) { newFolderWin.textFields.first.elementSetTextFieldWithAreaValue({ value: name }) }; // Create"Create").first.elementClick(); newFolderWin.elementWaitFor({ waitType: "Disappear" })
Here's the complete script:
function newRoutingFolder(name) { sf.ui.proTools.menuClick({ menuPath: ["Track", "Move to New Folder..."] }) const newFolderWin ="Move To New Folder").first.elementWaitFor({}).element // Track Format const trackFormatPop = newFolderWin.popupButtons.allItems[2] if (trackFormatPop.value.invalidate().value != "Stereo") { trackFormatPop.popupMenuSelect({ menuPath: ["Stereo"] }) }; // Track Type const trackTypePop = newFolderWin.popupButtons.first if (trackTypePop.value.invalidate().value != "Routing Folder") { trackTypePop.popupMenuSelect({ menuPath: ["Routing Folder"] }) }; // Track Name if (name) { newFolderWin.textFields.first.elementSetTextFieldWithAreaValue({ value: name }) }; // Enable Route Tracks to New Folder"Route Tracks to New Folder").first.checkboxSet({ targetValue: "Enable", }); // Create"Create").first.elementClick(); newFolderWin.elementWaitFor({ waitType: "Disappear" }) } newRoutingFolder()
Let me know if this is it.
- MMarkku Heikkilä @Markku_Heikkila
I’ll check that out. Just one more question: What about if I want to move tracks to folder that already exist..samuel henriques @samuel_henriques
I could add to the script a popup asking which existing folder you want to move the tracks to, or new folder.
Check this out and let me know how you are using it, and then I'll do the new bit.- EEric Torres @Eric_Torres
Hey Samuel , was there ever a script created for routing tracks to an existing folder ? I’m new to all this and I’ve started creating a deck to suit my workflow from my template . Thanks
samuel henriques @samuel_henriques
Hello Eric,
I think the post further down has what you are looking for
Move track to routing folder #post-9Let me know if this is it.
- EEric Torres @Eric_Torres
Hello Samuel , thank you very much I will check it out and let you know .
- In reply toMarkku_Heikkila⬆:Chad Wahlbrink @Chad2022-02-23 02:51:09.463Z
Hey @Markku_Heikkila ! I have a script on the SoundFlow App Store within my "CW Pro Tools Utilities Package" which can move tracks to the existing routing folder with a simple search function (similar to how soundflow handles searching I/O, AudioSuite plugins, etc.).
There are separate scripts for "Move and Route Tracks to Existing Folder (Searchable)" and "Move Tracks to Existing Folder (Searchable)." The "Move and Route" Script will automatically route to the Aux Folder when moving the tracks. On that one, you can set it to leave the original tracks select or select the track below the original selected track (I use this when doing session prep!).
Finally, I find Andrew Schep's script for creating a new Aux Folder and maintaining the routing really helpful: Can someone help modify @Andrew_Scheps script to accommodate Multiple Output Assignments? #post-18
↑ this basically takes the outputs assigned to the tracks currently, makes a new aux folder, then sets the new aux folder to route to the original output of the folder's children tracks.
- MMarkku Heikkilä @Markku_Heikkila
I will give this a try
- In reply toChad⬆:JJohn Traunwieser @John_Traunwieser
Hey Chad, have you pulled this package:CW Pro Tools Utilities Package from the store? I'm not seeing it available. Interested in checking out your moving tracks to routing folder script!
Chad Wahlbrink @Chad2022-03-21 16:46:49.527Z
Hey @John_Traunwieser ! It should be available in the store still.
Try searching just my name, "chad," as I believe I'm the only Chad in the store.
Ryan DeRemer @Ryan_DeRemer
Hey @chadwahlbrink ,
I'm trying to use the "Move and Route to Existing Folder" command. It moves the tracks to the folder just fine, but won't route the tracks to the folder. Am I missing something?
Chad Wahlbrink @Chad2022-04-03 19:11:46.605Z
Interesting, @Ryan_DeRemer! It seems to be working over here in Pro Tools Ultimate 2021.12 on macOS Catalina for me.
One thing to note is that there are a few different versions of the script. Make sure you are using "CWPT Move, and Route Tracks to Existing Folder (Searchable)" instead of "CWPT Move Tracks to Existing Folder (Searchable)," as these are separate functions.
For "CWPT Move and Route Tracks to Existing Folder (Searchable)," there are two versions. I think "Leave Originally Selected Tracks Selected" is probably the most helpful version for most people.
Chad Wahlbrink @Chad2022-04-03 19:13:04.402Z
If that's still not working, feel free to let me know, and I'll try to troubleshoot for you.
Ryan DeRemer @Ryan_DeRemer
@chadwahlbrink I now think this is part of a larger issue I'm having where any script I activate that has to change the I/O of a track isn't working. I have the I/O displayed in the Mix and Edit windows. Doesn't work in either version of the script.
Chad Wahlbrink @Chad2022-04-03 20:06:41.981Z
@Ryan_DeRemer - very strange! I'm curious if it's something to do with the size of the track?
Does the macro "Select Track Output (Search)" from the default SoundFlow Pro Tools package work for you?
Let me know what version of Pro Tools you are running if you can.
Ryan DeRemer @Ryan_DeRemer
I'm running:
PT 2021.6
macOS 10.15.7 CatalinaI have a subscription but I was having issues with CPU spike in 2021.10 so I reverted back.
I tried the "Select Track Ouput (Search)" command and it gave me an error. See below.
Also re: track size; I tried all the same commands at different track sizes and got the same result.
03.04.2022 13:20:43.27 [Backend]: [ServerController] Running command from sfgui: 'Select Track Output (Search)' (user:ckp49i4j60000a2100yfwywgf:ckou1qcq600cpzv107ca6ycfp)
03.04.2022 13:20:43.27 [Backend]: >> Command: Select Track Output (Search) [user:ckp49i4j60000a2100yfwywgf:ckou1qcq600cpzv107ca6ycfp]
03.04.2022 13:20:43.28 [Backend]: Checking for running apps with bundle 'com.avid.ProTools'
NSArray.ArrayFromHandle count = 103.04.2022 13:20:43.36 [Backend]: Mouse current pos is: (813.75, 1356.3671875)
Clicking with mouse here: (72, 30)03.04.2022 13:20:43.36 [Backend]: Moving mouse back to: (813.75, 1356.3671875)
03.04.2022 13:20:43.37 [Backend]: Position is now: (822.25, 1342.1953125)
03.04.2022 13:20:43.37 [Backend]: Position is now: (822.25, 1342.1953125)
03.04.2022 13:20:43.38 [Backend]: Position is now: (822.25, 1342.1953125)
03.04.2022 13:20:43.39 [Backend]: Position is now: (839.38671875, 1317.265625)
03.04.2022 13:20:43.39 [Backend]: Position is now: (864.9609375, 1286.890625)
03.04.2022 13:20:43.40 [Backend]: Position is now: (864.9609375, 1286.890625)
03.04.2022 13:20:43.40 [Backend]: Position is now: (890.4296875, 1259.828125)
03.04.2022 13:20:43.41 [Backend]: Position is now: (919.91015625, 1228.70703125)
03.04.2022 13:20:43.41 [Backend]: Position is now: (952.890625, 1193.98828125)
03.04.2022 13:20:43.42 [Backend]: Position is now: (952.890625, 1193.98828125)
03.04.2022 13:20:43.43 [Backend]: Position is now: (978.359375, 1166.92578125)
03.04.2022 13:20:43.43 [Backend]: Position is now: (978.359375, 1166.92578125)
03.04.2022 13:20:43.44 [Backend]: Position is now: (1000.4296875, 1141.69921875)
03.04.2022 13:20:43.44 [Backend]: Position is now: (1000.4296875, 1141.69921875)
03.04.2022 13:20:43.45 [Backend]: Position is now: (1022.08984375, 1123.12890625)
03.04.2022 13:20:43.45 [Backend]: Position is now: (1022.08984375, 1123.12890625)
03.04.2022 13:20:43.46 [Backend]: Position is now: (1040.1640625, 1109.5703125)
03.04.2022 13:20:43.46 [Backend]: Position is now: (1040.1640625, 1109.5703125)
03.04.2022 13:20:43.47 [Backend]: Position is now: (1062.109375, 1086.05078125)
03.04.2022 13:20:43.48 [Backend]: Position is now: (1062.109375, 1086.05078125)
03.04.2022 13:20:43.48 [Backend]: Position is now: (1065.51953125, 1079.22265625)
03.04.2022 13:20:43.49 [Backend]: Position is now: (1065.51953125, 1079.22265625)
03.04.2022 13:20:43.49 [Backend]: Position is now: (1072.43359375, 1066.76953125)
03.04.2022 13:20:43.50 [Backend]: Position is now: (1072.43359375, 1066.76953125)
03.04.2022 13:20:43.50 [Backend]: Position is now: (1072.43359375, 1065.19921875)
03.04.2022 13:20:43.51 [Backend]: Position is now: (1072.43359375, 1065.19921875)
03.04.2022 13:20:43.51 [Backend]: Position is now: (1072.43359375, 1064.484375)
03.04.2022 13:20:43.52 [Backend]: Position is now: (1072.43359375, 1064.484375)
03.04.2022 13:20:43.52 [Backend]: Position is now: (1072.43359375, 1064.484375)
03.04.2022 13:20:43.53 [Backend]: Position is now: (1072.43359375, 1064.125)
03.04.2022 13:20:43.54 [Backend]: Position is now: (1072.43359375, 1064.125)
03.04.2022 13:20:43.54 [Backend]: Position is now: (1072.43359375, 1064.125)
03.04.2022 13:20:43.55 [Backend]: Position is now: (1072.43359375, 1064.125)
03.04.2022 13:20:43.55 [Backend]: Position is now: (1072.43359375, 1064.125)
03.04.2022 13:20:43.56 [Backend]: Position is now: (1072.43359375, 1064.125)
03.04.2022 13:20:43.57 [Backend]: Position is now: (1072.43359375, 1064.125)
03.04.2022 13:20:43.57 [Backend]: Position is now: (1072.43359375, 1064.125)
03.04.2022 13:20:43.58 [Backend]: Position is now: (1072.43359375, 1064.125)
03.04.2022 13:20:43.58 [Backend]: Position is now: (1072.43359375, 1064.125)
03.04.2022 13:20:43.59 [Backend]: Position is now: (1072.43359375, 1064.125)
03.04.2022 13:20:43.60 [Backend]: Position is now: (1072.43359375, 1064.125)
03.04.2022 13:20:43.60 [Backend]: Position is now: (1072.43359375, 1064.125)
03.04.2022 13:20:43.61 [Backend]: Position is now: (1072.43359375, 1064.125)
03.04.2022 13:20:43.61 [Backend]: Position is now: (1072.43359375, 1064.125)
03.04.2022 13:20:43.62 [Backend]: Position is now: (1072.43359375, 1064.125)
03.04.2022 13:20:43.63 [Backend]: Position is now: (1072.43359375, 1064.125)
03.04.2022 13:20:43.63 [Backend]: Position is now: (1072.43359375, 1064.125)
03.04.2022 13:20:43.64 [Backend]: Position is now: (1072.43359375, 1064.125)
03.04.2022 13:20:43.64 [Backend]: Position is now: (1072.43359375, 1064.125)
03.04.2022 13:20:43.65 [Backend]: Position is now: (1072.43359375, 1064.125)
03.04.2022 13:20:43.68 [Backend]: Could not get UIElement for AxPtTrackOutputPathButton: Could not find Audio Output Path selector button
Logging error in action (01) TrackOpenOutputMenuAction: Could not find selected track's output button
Logging error in action (01) TrackFetchOutputMenuAction: Could not open track's output menu03.04.2022 13:20:43.68 [Backend]: Logging error in action (01) TrackSearchOutputAction: Could not fetch output menu's items
!! Command Error: Select Track Output (Search) [user:ckp49i4j60000a2100yfwywgf:ckou1qcq600cpzv107ca6ycfp]:
Could not fetch output menu's items (Select Track Output (Search): Line 5)
Could not open track's output menu
Could not find selected track's output button
Could not find Audio Output Path selector button (AxPtTrackOutputPathButton)<< Command: Select Track Output (Search) [user:ckp49i4j60000a2100yfwywgf:ckou1qcq600cpzv107ca6ycfp]
Chad Wahlbrink @Chad2022-04-03 21:22:33.173Z
Ah, bummer. Yeah, I can't vouch for 2021.6 functionality. I'm going to defer to Christian and Kitch on your other thread. They should be able to help you figure out the specifics. I'd say once you get your main I/O issues sorted, my script should work for you too.
Chad Wahlbrink @Chad2022-04-03 21:23:59.031Z
I'd also suggest trying re-installing Soundflow from this page to see if it helps.
- In reply toChad⬆:
Henrik Skram @Henrik_Skram
Hi Chad!
I´m getting this error message when trying your script:
any hints?Chad Wahlbrink @Chad2022-09-27 15:48:54.049Z
I'm sorry for just now responding. Could you try updating to the latest version of the script? I just pushed an update to the store.
Also, let me know what version of Pro Tools you are on currently.
Finally, a known issue is that the folder track must be a size "small" or higher to work currently. I can try to make the script more robust in the future, though.
If the script is still not working, can you try clicking the notification logged out and finding me the exact error message with a line number?
- In reply toChad⬆:DDaniel Holsinger @Daniel_Holsinger
Can the script also change the selected track to the color of the folder it is moving to?
- In reply toChad⬆:IIuri Cunha @Iuri_Cunha
Hi Chad, I know i'm a bit late to the party but I'm having some issues with the script and I was hoping you could help me. I used to use the "Move and route tracks to existing folder" function perfectly on my old computer, but i've recently upgraded to a new Mac Studio and since then I haven't been able to use it properly. The script routes the track and even selects the track under it as intended, but but it does not move it. Do you have any idea what might be happening?
Chad Wahlbrink @Chad2024-09-11 18:13:00.337Z2024-09-11 18:55:07.503Z
Hey @Iuri_Cunha,
Thanks for the message.
Can you make a new post about this in the CW Pro Tools Utilities Package forum? Please include any other system details (macOS version, Pro Tools Version, SoundFlow Version).
Click "Ask a Question" here:
CW Pro Tools Utilities Package Forum
- In reply toChad⬆:
Holy Ghost Productions @Holy_Ghost_Productio
Hey Chad, is there any way to use these scripts to route a folder to it's parent folder? I saw in another thread that you've made a script to select the parent folder of the selected track, but could that be integrated into this routing script?
Chad Wahlbrink @Chad2024-10-24 20:55:21.272Z
I could work up a script that routes the currently selected tracks (whether those are aux folders or other tracks) to the parent folder! I'll get back to you on this.
Holy Ghost Productions @Holy_Ghost_Productio
That would be fantastic, thank you so much!
- In reply toChad⬆:
Holy Ghost Productions @Holy_Ghost_Productio
Hey Chad! Did you have a chance to look into this? Thanks so much!
Chad Wahlbrink @Chad2024-11-13 19:37:24.475Z
I just updated my CW Pro Tools Utility Package to Include a "Route Track(s) to Parent Folder" command. Let me know if that works for you!
If you have feedback on that, you can post it here:
CW Pro Tools Utility Package ForumHoly Ghost Productions @Holy_Ghost_Productio
you are a LEGEND! it works great, thank you so much!
- AIn reply toMarkku_Heikkila⬆:Alex Cores @Alex_Cores
Hey @Chad, is there any way to get this to work automatically? I.e. when I move a track to an existing folder, it automatically routes them there without having to manually fire the script? I've looked in to runForever etc. but that wouldn't work with the script as-is. Perhaps there's another workaround people are aware of that can provide that functionality? I ALWAYS want tracks to route to whichever folder I put them in. No idea why this isn't at least an option that can be toggled on or off in Pro Tools as it is.
Chad Wahlbrink @Chad2025-02-26 17:00:56.042Z
Hi @Alex_Cores, this would be a bit more complicated. I agree that having this feature in Pro Tools would be nice! I'll think about how to approach it, but I can't guarantee a timeline for implementing it.
In the future, for feature requests regarding the CW Pro Tools Utilities package, can you make a new post in the CW Pro Tools Utilities Package forum? That helps me keep track of ideas for scripts in that package.
CW Pro Tools Utilities Package Forum