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Bounce Factory Release notes - PLEASE READ THIS THREAD OFTEN!

By Andrew Scheps @Andrew_Scheps
    2022-03-29 22:23:47.327Z2022-04-13 00:44:10.650Z

    Hi all, this thread will be a list of all of the bug fixes as they happen, so please check often. Also, please check for updates to Bounce Factory in the store and make sure you are always running the latest version. Please don't reply to this thread.

    If you're having problems with Bounce Factory have a quick look through these notes and the forum to see if anybody else is having similar issues. You might find a workaround has already been found or it is a bug that's in the process of being fixed. If you have a new problem or you're not sure if it's the same it would always be best to start a new topic in the forum instead of posting in an existing one.

    1.0.0 - Initial Release

    All releases have multiple changes but only the highlights that address user bugs are listed here.

    A REALLY IMPORTANT THING: Just below this post there is a grey bar that says how many replies there have been and there is a menu on the right. Click that and you can subscribe to the thread. I highly recommend changing the setting to "Every Post" so you will know whenever there is a new version of Bounce Factory with tasty bug fixes.

    • 100 replies

    There are 100 replies. Estimated reading time: 43 minutes

    1. Andrew Scheps @Andrew_Scheps
        2022-03-29 22:24:28.712Z

        1.0.1 - Update: New video links to include Installation and How To Get Help videos

        1. In reply toAndrew_Scheps:
          Andrew Scheps @Andrew_Scheps
            2022-03-29 22:25:33.602Z2022-04-03 19:13:35.493Z

            Fix: Allow Pro Tools settings location to be in iCloud Drive

            1. In reply toAndrew_Scheps:
              Andrew Scheps @Andrew_Scheps
                2022-03-29 22:25:59.793Z2022-04-03 19:13:07.554Z

                1.0.3 - Add additional logging during Snapshot Creation

                1. In reply toAndrew_Scheps:
                  Andrew Scheps @Andrew_Scheps
                    2022-03-29 22:26:45.589Z2022-04-03 19:12:58.107Z

                    Fix: Bounce Factory now works with any language setting for the OS (previously restricted to English). Please keep in mind that Pro Tools still needs to be in English

                    1. In reply toAndrew_Scheps:
                      Andrew Scheps @Andrew_Scheps
                        2022-03-30 09:47:13.851Z2022-04-03 19:12:44.344Z


                        Fix: Session View Memory Locations not recalled if View Filter not set properly in Mem Locs Window
                        Fix: Email alerts were being sent after bounce pass errors regardless of settings
                        Fix: Mixes can now be placed on tracks who's height is less than small (Note: for now the tracks will be left small)
                        Fix: Bounce failing if destination set to Session Directory and text field was not valid path
                        Fix: Track Presets folder can now be located even if pinned in Finder windows.

                        1. In reply toAndrew_Scheps:
                          Andrew Scheps @Andrew_Scheps
                            2022-03-31 00:45:30.116Z2022-04-03 19:12:02.840Z


                            Fix: Close floating windows before getting Prefs on first launch to keep them out of the way

                            THIS IS A BIG ONE, PLEASE READ BEFORE UPDATING!

                            Feature: Playlists are now optional!!!!! Read on to see how this works.

                            Playlist collection is a feature that must be enabled for all existing snapshots or none. It is found in the settings pane. If you try to change its status when there are already snapshots in the app you will get an error message informing you it's impossible. If you try to make a Selected Tracks Playlist pass while they are disabled you will get an error message explaining that it isn't possible. In a future update I will add a visual indication of the status of this pref and generally clean up the UI.

                            Why did I do it? There was a comment that it takes quite a while to set up each Selected Tracks Solo Pass and Selected Tracks Mute Pass. This is because of the need to collect playlist information from every selected track whenever you add a pass. Without the playlist info it is instantaneous to add these passes, meaning that if you don't plan on switching playlists for any mix passes you can speed up the Snapshot creation process by a huge amount.

                            What are the potential problems? None as long as you don't change any playlists in the session...

                            If you don't need the bug fix and want to always use playlists I would say hold off on updating from 1.0.5 until this has gotten a bit of a soak. I've tested it here, but we all know that doesn't mean it's 100% set.

                            1. In reply toAndrew_Scheps:
                              Andrew Scheps @Andrew_Scheps
                                2022-03-31 16:06:11.599Z2022-04-03 19:12:18.154Z


                                Another big one!!!

                                New playlist implementation - Solo and Mute passes no longer know about playlists and inherit their setting from the snapshot. Much faster mix pass creation.

                                The long version:

                                The playlist implementation in 1.0.6 was bugging me so I've completely re-worked it and I think 1.0.7 gives you the best of both worlds.

                                Selected Track Solo and Mute passes are now instantaneous to create. A huge relief to me as well, I hated how long it took in the released version. Because of this, those two types of mix passes don't know about playlists and will always be set to the same playlists as the Standard Mix Pass (basically, however you have them set when you click Proceed while making the snapshot).

                                Playlist pass still works as it ever did, but is much faster to make.

                                Other than a playlists pass, the only other type of pass that is aware of playlist settings is the MiniSnap.

                                Hopefully this makes more sense, the three types of mix pass that can be made quickly from buttons on the main page only know about the parameter they are designed to change, the MiniSnap knows about all three.

                                The only thing you might want to make a separate snapshot for that involves playlists would be if you wanted to print a batch of stems with different playlists. You could add each one as a MiniSnap, but that would take a while. Just add them as stems in a Snapshot set to one of the playlists, then add them to a second Snapshot with the other playlists selected.

                                Hopefully this all makes sense.

                                1. In reply toAndrew_Scheps:
                                  Andrew Scheps @Andrew_Scheps
                                    2022-04-01 12:07:56.178Z2022-04-03 19:11:20.832Z

                                    Fix: User settings can now be retrieved from older versions of Pro Tools (11.7 in particular)

                                    1. In reply toAndrew_Scheps:
                                      Andrew Scheps @Andrew_Scheps
                                        2022-04-01 19:40:03.626Z2022-04-03 19:11:11.402Z

                                        1.0.9 - This should fix everybody's issues launching the app for this first time or after trashing prefs.

                                        click to show
                                        1. In reply toAndrew_Scheps:
                                          Andrew Scheps @Andrew_Scheps
                                            2022-04-01 22:37:32.169Z2022-04-03 19:10:03.895Z


                                            click to show
                                            1. In reply toAndrew_Scheps:
                                              Andrew Scheps @Andrew_Scheps
                                                2022-04-01 23:39:27.041Z2022-04-03 19:09:55.934Z


                                                click to show
                                                1. In reply toAndrew_Scheps:
                                                  Andrew Scheps @Andrew_Scheps
                                                    2022-04-02 17:56:28.068Z2022-04-03 19:09:48.872Z


                                                    click to show
                                                    1. Progress
                                                    2. @Kitchpinned this topic 2022-03-29 22:26:24.493Z.