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Bounce Factory general procedure questions

By Thomas Gloor @Thomas_Gloor
    2022-04-02 13:22:25.900Z

    Hi everyone!

    Thank you Andrew for this amazing App!

    I plan to start using it, and am fiddling with the demo, but I have a couple questions.

    I use hardware reverbs while mixing. Once the mix is done, I print them in PT and the print track gets grouped with the track that had reverb applied (ie. Snare + Snare Verb Print).

    When setting up a batch to print stems, if my groups are active, and I only select the Snare track, will it take in account the group, and also solo the Snare Verb Print track?

    I figured, for stems, I could also take a snapshot of the session with all audio tracks muted, and add MUTE PASSES for each stem. Would that work? I usually print stems this way (muting instead of soloing), to avoid problems that can occur with solo safes missings or pre-fader stuff going on.

    Lastly, I created a batch, but I can't find a way to "go back into it" to edit it after the fact. Is there a way?

    Thank you very much!

    • 13 replies
    1. Andrew Scheps @Andrew_Scheps
        2022-04-02 17:06:13.842Z

        Hi @Thomas_Gloor ,

        Thanks for checking the app out! I'll just answer in bullet points so it's easy to see.

        1. The app will disable groups when soloing tracks so that you can be very explicit about what is soloed. The drag is that means if you have a group that's all over your session that you want in a solo pass you have to select the tracks first. The good thing is that you can quickly select the members of a group by clicking the selection dot in the group list, or assign a VCA to the group and just solo that.

        2. Mute passes work the opposite of what you would need. They mute additional tracks rather than un-mute. It might be possible to be able to do it the other way in the future, but I'll have to see how many people work that way as it could get quite confusing.

        3. If you have made a stem pass while you're still constructing the snapshot you can't edit it's settings, you would have to delete it from the list at the bottom of the take Snapshot screen, reselect the tracks and then click Add Batch again to get back to the dialog. The good thing is the dialog will still be set up how you left it so it should be quick. Once you have saved the snapshot, any stem passes will be shown as individual mix passes in the list. You can edit each one by double-clicking, but you would have to do them individually. Also, because of the interdependency of so many of the settings there are only a few parameters you can change after the fact.

        Hope that helps!

        1. TThomas Gloor @Thomas_Gloor
            2022-04-02 19:55:02.421Z

            Hey Andrew,

            Thank you very much for your answers!

            One last question though! According to what you answered, when making a stem pass, the app SOLOES the selected tracks and bounces right?
            So if my snare and snare verb are grouped, it will ignore the grouping and print only the snare.
            And if I select the snare and the snare verb, it will result in two stems. Correct?

            I guess my best option is to create a mix pass for each stem then?

            Thank you again!

            1. Andrew Scheps @Andrew_Scheps
                2022-04-02 20:34:32.386Z

                Hi Thomas,

                There are two different ways to add mix passes with tracks soloed. If you use the yellow button on the main Snapshot page called "Add Sel Tk Solo Pass" it will add one mix pass with all of the tracks you have selected soloed at the same time. If you use blue "Add Batch" button it will take you to a dialog where you can set up individual stem passes for each of the selected tracks, soloed one at a time (so you get as many mix passes as you have selected).

                Hope that makes sense.


                1. TThomas Gloor @Thomas_Gloor
                    2022-04-03 09:08:20.003Z

                    It makes perfect sense! Thank you so much for your time!

                    1. In reply toAndrew_Scheps:
                      TThomas Gloor @Thomas_Gloor
                        2022-04-05 07:03:52.876Z

                        Hey Andrew,

                        I hope this message finds you well. I gave some thought about a way to work with BF the way I'm used to. So I have a couple more questions. Thank you in advance for your time.

                        Let's say I'm really stuck on the idea of printing stems by MUTING tracks instead of SOLOING.
                        This is the way I thought could work.

                        1. I take a base Snapshot that would be my MAIN MIX pass with everything opened.
                        2. I then MUTE all audio tracks from my mix except let's say the KICK and the KICK VERB PRINT. And add a "Selected track mute pass". That would be my kick stem.
                        3. I then MUTE the KICK and the KICK VERB PRINT and UNMUTE the SNARE and the SNARE VERB PRINT and add a "Selected track mute pass". And so on for every stem.

                        Here's my question.
                        If my session is NOT reset the way it was for the MAIN MIX pass, will it understand that EVERY TRACK but the KICK and KICK VERB PRINT track are muted without me having to have every muted track selected? I'm asking because of the name of the function "Add SELECTED track mute pass".

                        Another workaround I thought off would be:

                        1. I take a base Snapshot will all audio tracks muted
                        2. I then unmute KICK and KICK VERB PRINT
                        3. I select KICK and KICK VERB PRINT and take a MINI SNAPSHOT with these two tracks UNMUTED.

                        The second option is more time consuming because I has to "re-scan" the session for each stem.

                        If none of this works, I can still work with the normal "Add Selected Tracks Solo/Mute Pass", but I was wondering.

                        Any thoughts? Thank you!

                        1. Andrew Scheps @Andrew_Scheps
                            2022-04-05 07:35:02.112Z

                            Either way you describe would work. The mini snaps take longer to actually add, but you would only have to select a couple of tracks at a time. I’d say give both a try and see which one feels less like work.

                            1. TThomas Gloor @Thomas_Gloor
                                2022-04-05 07:53:19.757Z

                                Thank you Andrew!
                                Just to be clear, in the case I want to go with the first option (Selected track mute pass), does BF take in account WHICH TRACKS ARE MUTED in the session or will it only look at the 2 selected tracks I've muted?

                                1. Andrew Scheps @Andrew_Scheps
                                    2022-04-05 07:58:33.183Z

                                    It absolutely takes it into account. So when you click proceed, only tracks that should be muted for every single pass (which are probably none) should be muted.

                                    1. TThomas Gloor @Thomas_Gloor
                                        2022-04-05 08:24:06.390Z

                                        When you mean it does take it into account, you mean for the whole session, not only the 2 selected tracks? If so, I found my solution!

                                        Sorry, don't mean to be dense ^^

                                        1. Andrew Scheps @Andrew_Scheps
                                            2022-04-05 08:48:59.461Z

                                            It's a little hard to get your head around because you're working backwards to the way it's designed, but it will absolutely work.

                                            1. Click Take Snapshot (doesn't matter what state the mutes are in yet)
                                            2. Select every track in the session except what you want in a mix pass - make a Selected Tracks Mute pass
                                            3. When you're done, unmute every track in the session and hit Proceed.
                                            4. Click Bounce All and take a walk!

                                            The snapshot will have everything open, but each Selected Tracks Mute Pass will mute all the tracks you had selected when you made it.

                                            There's a detailed explanation of the data hierarchy here: Bounce Factory Important Concepts

                                            1. TThomas Gloor @Thomas_Gloor
                                                2022-04-05 09:15:12.286Z

                                                Thank you Andrew!

                                                I'll try, because I could go on asking the same question forever. My bad.
                                                Thank you for the thread link, will help a lot!

                                                1. TThomas Gloor @Thomas_Gloor
                                                    2022-04-05 15:19:41.748Z

                                                    I tried it out, and turns out the "Add Mute Tracks" is the way to go for me!

                                                    Thank you again for your help!

                                2. S
                                  In reply toThomas_Gloor:
                                  SoundFlow Bot @soundflowbot
                                    2022-04-07 09:29:48.278Z

                                    Thanks for posting a question or an issue related to the 'Scheps Bounce Factory' package.
                                    This package is made by @Andrew_Scheps. We're auto-tagging them here so that they will hopefully be able to help you.