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Keeping plugins off while bouncing stems

By Dan Geary @Dan_Geary
    2022-06-08 15:05:34.861Z

    Hi, wanted to bounce stems in. their raw form, so I opened session with plugins disabled. But when I ran bounces, it proceeded to turn all the plugins back on. How do I turn off this behavior? Do I go to settings & grey out the insert panel? Thx!

    • 2 replies
    1. S
      SoundFlow Bot @soundflowbot
        2022-06-08 15:05:51.384Z

        Thanks for posting a question or an issue related to the 'Scheps Bounce Factory' package.
        This package is made by @Andrew_Scheps. We're auto-tagging them here so that they will hopefully be able to help you.

        Please note, that the best way to get help with a script, macro or other content installed from the Store is to select the script you installed, then click the red Need help button, and then click "Get help with this script or macro".
        By using this workflow, the developer of the package will get access to more information so they'll be able to help you quicker.
        You can read more about how to best get help in this article: bit.ly/sfscripthelp

        1. In reply toDan_Geary:
          Andrew Scheps @Andrew_Scheps
            2022-06-08 15:18:31.560Z

            Hi @Dan_Geary ,

            Yup, that's exactly it. Whatever is enabled in the Snapshot Data Recall Filter will override however you have the session set up.

            Check out this post (especially the section labelled "To Summarize"): Bounce Factory Important Concepts #post-2